Roommate Drama-2

Just a barter

From the quarter

Roommate Buffmate

Wingmate a big farce

You are just a product

Trade swapped sold

Random allotment

A huge joke

Double faced

People call it shades!

People claim

You want me

Then you shove me

The people you

Tried to avoid

All end up in same wing

Drama Panorama

Guys! Bring out the camera

Zoom in for the action

Netflix failed to give!

A simple transaction

That's what you are

Wished for a

Quaint roomie

Who would be opposite

Of the current

Didn't want

A cellmate

Whose never in the room

Who always used me

Oh oh! oh no!

When Ads fail

And random is a joke

You got no one

Seething blood

Emotional damage

Inferiority complex

Which never went away

Attachment issues

Trust failure

And you say I was weird?

Romanticise college?

I guess I'll end up lonely

Couldn't fit into puzzle

But don't want to

cut myself for them

Wingdom kingdom

Made me a fake fandom

Fresher got no scrunchies

Freshie got no homie

Just two guy besties

Tech teams and sporties

And missing

The senior who never was

CG is a new bitter pill

Hairloss is crazy

Tearing skin

Till it bleeds

Bruxism and clenching

Lip biting

Damaging skin

With a pimple pus

allergic face pack

Oh God!

When did l end up here

A infinite sucking void


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